Today, Rahmat Hashemi successfully defended his dissertation.
In September 2023, the PRIO NORM team was in Manila, The Philippines, to conduct fieldwork interviews and meetings with local stakeholders.
Interview with Harry Tzimitras
In a MidEast Policy Brief, Research Professor Pavel Baev writes about the future of UN humanitarian aid to Syria, following the UN Security Council adoption of Resolution 2585 on 9 July 2021.
Bjørn Schirmer-Nilsen has successfully defended his thesis "Successful Failure: The Intifada and the Shultz Initiative of 1988".
The Legacy of Racial Violence project seeks to address gaps in our understanding of how past racial violence affects contemporary communities, using the US as a critical research case.
Research Professor Pavel Baev argues that the sequence of proactive moves in the Middle East by the new US administration simultaneously gladdens and alarms the Kremlin.
In a new policy brief on the importance of a neighborly concert for Afghan peace, Kristian Berg Harpviken examines the present state of affairs in each of the main regions surrounding Afghanistan: Central Asia, South Asia and the Gulf.
The new and global Women, Peace and Security Index, developed by PRIO and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, launched at the United Nations today.
The seminar series «PSYOPS: The Psychology of Political Struggle» aims to bring academics and professionals from different disciplines and fields of experience together to discuss topics in the borderland between psychology and politics.
PRIO Launches New Centre on Gender, Peace and Security
Yesterday, at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, President Obama and over 100 members of the US Congress celebrated the 50th anniversary of the historic civil rights march in Selma, a turning-point in the non-violent civil rights movement.
New PRIO Paper
Middle East expert Professor William B.
Research Report
PRIO Paper
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Policy Brief
Popular article in Panorama UIK
Popular article in Eurasia Daily Monitor
MidEast Policy Brief
Popular article in NBC Think
PRIO Policy Brief
Popular article in Eurasia Daily Monitor
Talbott Papers on implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine
FAIR Case Brief
PRIO Paper
Master thesis
Book chapter in Lives in Peace Research: The Oslo Stories
FAIR Case Brief
Book review in JPR Book Notes
Popular article in Eurasia Daily Monitor
Conflict Trends